#Journey2AMillion Spotlight
Jogging for Joey

For the second consecutive year, Jogging for Joey is participating in Alex’s Million Mile- Run.Walk.Ride. in memory of Joey Sudo and in honor of Ashley Trinkle – two individuals who have bravely battled childhood cancer.
For 5 years, Joey battled a rare form of cancer, AT/RT. Two years ago, at the age of 12, Joey lost his battle. His loving family, including his mother, father and sister, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, now all have to go on every day without their beloved Joey. The five years that Joey and his family lived with cancer were very difficult, but every day since has been equally as difficult living without him.
Ashley fought leukemia twice before the age of 10. It was a long, scary and more often than not, difficult road. But now, Ashley is a healthy, thriving 27 year old. We hope to create more stories like Ashley's and less like Joey's.
We want to give kids the chance to live long, successful lives, and experience all the things that life has to offer, like starting high school, something that Joey would have been doing this September. We believe that no family should have to face this challenge, and no child should have to fight this battle.
Jogging for Joey is honoring Joey and Ashley throughout the month of September as they walk, run and bike to raise money and awareness to help children like Joey and Ashley, as well as their families.