#Journey2AMillion Spotlight
Team RGV Tortugas

Team RGV Tortugas is comprised of Alfonso A. De Leon III who has a goal to raise $1 for every mile he runs, walks or rides throughout the month of September as part of Alex’s Million Mile – Run. Walk. Ride. He has a lofty goal to complete 200 miles in one month! Alfonso is dedicating his Alex’s Million Mile efforts in honor and memory of all of his childhood cancer friends from Camp Discovery and Sunshine Kids, in particular to three special girls – Elise, Sarah and Lily.
Alfonso’s story and battle with cancer began during the Fourth of July weekend in 1985 when he was 13 years old. After becoming quite ill, he was rushed to Santa Rosa Children’s Hospital in San Antonio, where he underwent surgery to remove several tumors from the right side of his neck. It was here that he was diagnosed with Stage IV-B Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, commonly referred as Hodgkin’s disease.
Alfonso spent the next three years on and off chemotherapy and radiation treatments, and had additional surgeries to remove tumors. Even after he was placed in remission (for the second time) he still felt the effects from his diagnosis - from lung and heart issues, as well as the stereotype of having had cancer that would plague him for years both mentally and emotionally. What Alfonso fears the most is getting another form of cancer because of the treatments he received. This is the reason why he is fundraising and has joined Alex’s Million Mile. He truly believes that every dollar he raises could be that last dollar needed to find cures for all children with cancer.
Visit Team RGV Tortugas page here!