Rebecca is outgoing, friendly, and smart. She is kind to everyone and wonderful to be around! Rebecca is an incredible big sister to Ellie and also to their younger sister, Lilah (4 years old). She is a great student, and gets along with almost everyone. Rebecca is brave, and strong and willing to try anything!
Rebecca’s mom is proud of Rebecca for being able to roll with the punches. Rebecca can adapt to anything, and has been an incredible help to their family. When Ellie isn't feeling well, Rebecca is pretty much the only person in the world who can make her happy and can cheer her up! Rebecca has had a great year this year, despite all the extra stress at home and has made her family proud of her every day.
Rebecca has always been very mature for her age (she is 9 years old, almost 10), but has really shown how much she can be counted on over the last year. She has had to be much more responsible for herself getting up in the morning, making sure she has done her homework, and staying organized. Rebecca is always willing to help the family, and is extremely patient and understanding when her parents are tired or when something has to be changed or given up at the last second.
Rebecca has been lucky to have many friends and family members who support her (and her family). She loves being invited to friends' houses to play and to spend time with them. This keeps her busy and keeps her mind off difficult things at home. She also likes reading books and other information about leukemia and about being a sibling of a sick sister. She's been going to sibling workshops through CHOP, and has found these really helpful. Having her go to the clinic to see a full day of Ellie's treatment was important too, she really understands what was going on "behind the scenes."
Rebecca (and the youngest sister, Lilah) have been getting material in the mail from ALSF...books and other information/activities. Rebecca really likes this because it keeps reminding her that she is not alone in being the sibling of a sick sister, and that the kinds of feelings and thoughts she has are not hers alone. She has also been helping with our lemonade stands!
Read more about Rebecca’s hero sister Ellie.