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Lexi L., SuperSib



Favorite Color
Favorite Activity
Being Adventurous

Six year-old Lexi is very outgoing and optimistic—always seeing the positive in any situation. She is caring, thoughtful, loves a challenge and loves to share every chance she gets.  She is a girl who loves the dirt as much as much as her princess dresses. Lexi does not like the dark; but loves outer space, star gazing and learning about our universe. When she grows up, Lexi dreams of volunteering and training dogs for disabilities.

Lexi is a SuperSib to Noah, who is battling clear cell sarcoma of the kidney. Her mom, Krystal, characterized Lexi as being a wise woman in a little girl’s body—a forever best friend and love.

Lexi’s sibling-hood has not been easy. In addition to watching Noah battle clear cell sarcoma of the kidney, Lexi lost a younger sister named Abby.  Despite all these struggles, she always finds the best in everyday, pushes herself to learn and grow and keeps her whole family loving and smiling. Her mom is so proud of Lexi’s strength and heart.    

Cancer has forced Lexi to grow up quickly and adjust to changes rather fast. She fears her brother will die, like her sister did. But Lexi demonstrates a strength beyond her age—holding it together with a bigger smile than her mom can manage. Lexi handled a move to a new city with ease. She is Noah’s companion at chemotherapy and his cheerleader. Lexi wants to come back to the hospital to volunteer; but her Mom’s biggest wish is for her to have her time back to be a regular kid.

Krystal says the most helpful thing for Lexi has been the normal, fun of regular life. They keep things together with fun family days, Mommy-Lexi time, tea parties, walks around their new city, meeting new friends and making everyday a great memory.


Lexi does a cheer for Noah (and now he does it too!): "Red, white, fight, fight, fight!"

Information provided by: 

Krystal C., Lexi's Mom