KatieMae loves princesses, music and art. Her friends are important to her. She likes jewelry, books, riding her bike, going camping and having adventures with her family. KatieMae is so loving and has such a big heart but she is also sensitive and can easily get her feelings hurt; she is smart, creative and awesome at math and science. She doesn’t like chores much.
KatieMae has been very brave, holding it together with two sick sisters. One of her sisters has leukemia and her baby sister has health issues too. KatieMae tries to be helpful and likes to be a part of the clinic visits and hospital stays when she can. She makes her sister pictures and tries to help teach her things.
It has helped KatieMae to have one on one time with family and friends and special “big girl outings.” She has recently gotten to have pick her own hairstyles, which makes her feel more in-charge. KatieMae is hoping to have a special birthday party this year at a bowling alley.