Gabriella is a bright and compassionate 8-year-old who loves to draw and practice gymnastics. When she isn't at school, she enjoys dancing, singing and playing with her sister Mia, who was recently diagnosed with Pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).
Gabriella has handled this tough situation with such grace. She’s become more independent practically overnight, a development that came naturally to her. She’s always trying to cheer up Mia on difficult days and helps her parents out more around the house and in caring for Mia.
Her family has done their best to keep Gabriella’s routine as normal as possible throughout this experience. There have been difficulties, like Gabriella having to give up gymnastics due to Mia’s treatment schedule, but she’s been entirely understanding. She’s never been resentful or jealous of Mia for a second and knows once things have settled her family will figure all her after-school activities out.
In the meantime, her parents make sure she gets special one-on-one time on the weekends with both mom and dad. Gabby appreciates the special time she has with her parents and will continue to help Mia until she finally beats her cancer!
Information provided by Melissa Bento, Gabriella’s mom
Updated September 2017
Read more about Gabriella’s hero sister Mia.