Family Services

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Cash M., SuperSib



Favorite Color
Favorite Activity
Inventing and doing experiments

Cash is very outgoing and strong willed with a big heart. He likes to design things out of materials he can find around the house. He is into playing drums and guitar, riding his go kart and playing superheroes/bad guys with his baby brother Tucker. They have an amazing bond!
Cash makes his mother proud because he is understanding of his brother’s illness. He is a protective and caring big brother. He has a huge heart and is willing help others. 
Thankfully, Cash has a great support system from both of his parents. When Cash is feeling bad or is sick he can stay with his father and not risk getting his "bubby" (which is what he calls his baby brother) sick.  
When everyone is doing great, his family likes to hang out and do what they can. It’s hard for Cash to understand why they can’t go certain places with Tuck and sometimes his mother worries that he doesn’t feel special. So every chance she gets, she takes him on a date by himself.
Cash and his mother talk about the things they look forward to and the places they will get to see. His family is excited to hold a stand on Lemonade Days this year.


Information provided by: 

Brittany Evans, Cash’s mother