Brielle may be 9 years old, but she is wise beyond her age. She’s an intuitive and outgoing kid who values her alone time to rest and recharge. She loves spending time outside horseback riding, driving her side-by-side and making fairy gardens. Brielle is a friend to all animals, and snakes are her favorite – even though her mom and dad won’t let her have one as a pet just yet.
When Brielle’s sister, Willow, was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), she was very go with the flow as her sister’s health took precedence in their family’s life. Even through difficult times, Brielle remained a smart, sassy, kind and determined kid.
While Willow is in treatment, Brielle’s family has done their best to be candid with her throughout the process. Brielle has done everything she can for her sister, from holding Willow’s hand to helping her take her medicine to giving her surprises each night before going to the clinic. Although Brielle can’t help but worry for her sister, her family is always by her side to work through it.
As Willow continues through treatment, Brielle is grateful to have resources like the SuperSibs mailings to make her feel seen and feel special. Still, Brielle remains her sister’s number one supporter as their family’s journey continues.