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Brendan R., SuperSib



Favorite Color
Favorite Activity
painting and Legos

Brendan is kind, friendly, funny, artistic and very smart.  He likes playing with his brother, Tommy, and his cousin, Eli.  He likes climbing, jumping, T-ball and being crazy!  His favorite places to visit are Longwood Gardens, the beach and the playground.  Brendan does not like broccoli and spinach.

Brendan’s mom, Megan, says she is proud of Brendan for doing the very best he can in everything he tries, for having the courage to face each new day and the excitements and challenges that lie ahead.  His family is proud of the selfless support Brendan, as a baby, gave to his big brother when his big brother was feeling bad. They are proud of his ability to cry when he feels sad, and laugh when he feels joy.  Brendan has sacrificed so much and continues to love in a big, joyful way.

Brendan was just a year and 9 months old when his brother, Declan, was diagnosed with cancer.  As the “class clown” of the family, Brendan could measure the mood of his family at any moment and deliver just enough comedic charm to have them all smiling and laughing in an instant!

Throughout a grueling year of chemotherapy and many hospital stays, the boys were often apart.  But they were both at their very best when they were together.  No amount of chemotherapy side effects or surgery healing could keep Declan down when he was with Brendan.  There is no medicine in the world that measures the healing power of a little brother who can chase his big brother and make him laugh.  Brendan was the best medicine for Declan.

What has been helpful is a love for painting.  And Brendan has a real gift for creating beautiful, colorful splatter art inspired by Jackson Pollock.  It has been very calming to him.

Read more about Brendan’s hero brother Declan.

“When I grow up, I want to be a tree. That way I can reach all the way to heaven and Declan can climb down me to come home.”

Information provided by: 

Megan R., Brendan’s mommy