SuperSib Luke is full of energy! He loves his family, playing outside, and learning things at school. He is the big brother to his sister Tillery, a childhood cancer hero battling a brain tumor. Since she was diagnosed 3 years ago, Luke's understanding of her diagnosis has changed. Initially he knew she had a hurt place on her head and he needed to be careful around her. Now he has a better understanding of cancer, after seeing other kids we have met and getting older and understanding more. He continues to be Tillery's biggest fan and he is proud of how far she has come.
Tillery had to travel from home for treatment, which meant the family was separated for 7 months. Luke stayed home with his Dad and keeping him on his normal routine helped ease the pain of separation. While Luke had some awesome bonding time with Dad (and Tillery with her Mom), the separation was still difficult. Since being all back home together, Luke has really thrived. He's come out of his shell and you can tell he's much happier having the whole family together.
Luke learned how to make lemonade when he was 4 years old and hosted his first Alex’s Lemonade Stand the same summer. Luke was in charge—pouring lemonade, adding a lemon slice and thanking all those who donated. His first lemonade stand raised over $2,700! Since that first stand, Luke has participated in the Alex's Million Miles twice, has had programs at his elementary school, has helped to put on and run a 5k for ALSF, and served (and consumed) many cups of lemonade! With his help, the Phillips family has raised over $40,000 for ALSF!
Read more about Luke’s hero sister Tillery.