Childhood Cancer

Childhood Leukemia


This book is truly a collaborative effort—without the help of many, it would simply not exist. My heartfelt thanks to my family and friends who supported and encouraged me while I wrote all five editions of this book. Special thanks to my first editor, Linda Lamb, whose creative instinct and gentle guidance shaped this book from its inception; to Sarah Farmer (editor), Susan Jarmolowski (graphic designer), and Alison Leake (copy editor) for their expertise, attention to detail, and unfailing good cheer. Tremendous thanks to the Momcology and ACOR (Association of Online Resources) support groups who introduced me to dozens of families currently in treatment. We all know it takes a village. I deeply appreciate all of you for helping make this a comprehensive, up-to-date resource for families of children with leukemia and those who love them. We are also grateful to Genentech and several other generous donors who wish to remain anonymous for providing funding to support publication of this book.

All five editions of this book are true collaborations between families of children with leukemia and medical professionals. Many well-known and respected members of the pediatric oncology community, members of national organizations, and parents carved time out of their busy schedules to review chapters, make invaluable suggestions, and catch errors. I especially appreciate the patient and thoughtful responses to my many emails and phone calls. Thank you: Peter C. Adamson, MD; Kristin Bradley, MD; Nancy Bunin, MD; Colleen Callahan, MSN, CRNP; Bruce Camitta, MD; William Carroll, MD; Barbara Clark, MD; Lynne Conlon, PhD; Max Coppes, MD, PhD; Elizabeth Cummings, MSN, CPNP-AC; Kenneth B. DeSantes, MD; Connie DiDomenico, CRNP; Brian J. Druker, MD; Debra Ethier, RTT; Patty Feist, MS; Daniel Fiduccia, BA; Kerry Frank, MSEd; Debra Friedman, MD; Mark Greenberg, MD; Joanne M. Hilden, MD; Wendy Hobbie, RN, MSN, PNT; JoAnne Holt, MA; F. Leonard Johnson, MD; Anne Kazak, PhD; Marie Lappin; Susan J. Leclair, MS, CLS (NCA); Laurie D. Leigh, MA; Ellen M. Levy, MSN, CRNP; Mignon Lee-Cheun Loh, MD; Grace Ann Monaco, JD; Ann Newman, RN; Mark Newman, MD; Katie Oranges, MSN, CRNP, CPHON; Stephanie Powell, MSN, PCNS-BC, CPON; Joanne Quillen, MSN, PNP-BC; Mary Relling, PharmD; Mary Riecke, pharmacist; Susan Shurin, MD; Shannon J. Snow, JD, RN; Sheryl Lozowski Sullivan, MPH; Heidi Suni, MSW; and David Unger, MD.

More than words can express, I am deeply grateful to the parents, children with cancer, and their siblings, who generously opened their hearts while sharing their experiences with me. To all of you whose words form the heart and soul of this book, thank you: Brenda Andrews; Robin B.; Jan Barber; Barbara Bradley; Jocelyne Brent; Betty Bright; Sue Brooks; Ann Olson Brown; Nancy and Ernie Bullard; Amy C; Michelle Caldwell; Kari Carbon; Edie Cardwell; Paulette Carles; Ricky Carroll, Garrett’s Dad; Alicia Cauley; Jennifer Click; Amy Condoluci; Priscilla Cooperman; Kalita Corrigan; Cheryl Coutts; Jennifer Crouse; Carol Dean; Beth Devery, mother of Allison Devery (cancer survivor); Allison E. Ellis; Lisa N. Ellis; E. B. Engelmann; Dana Erickson; Mel Erickson; Sarah Farmer; Patty Feist; Mindi Finch; Meri-Li Forrest; Tamra Lynn Sparling Fountaine; Kerry Frank; Faith Franzen; Alana Freedman; Stacey Fundukian (mother to Rayne and Izzabella); Jenny Gardner; Merry Gibbons with daughter Gabby Ziems; Denise M. Glassmeyer; Roxie Glaze; Melanie Goldish; Susan Goldhaber; Elizabeth Guanch; Kris H.; Lisa Hall; Erin Hall; Daphne Hardcastle; Robbie Harding; Denise Glassmeyer Hendler; Kathryn G. Havemann; Connie Herron; Douglas L. Herstrom; Connie Higbee-Jones; Honna Janes-Hodder; Ruth Hoffman; Margaret Huhner; Chris Hurley; Alicia Hutchinson; Maria J.; Cheryl Putnam Jagannathan; Kelly Janzen; Theresa T. Jeniene; Karen and Brian Jordan; Fr. Joseph; Susan Kalika; Winnie Kittiko; C. J. Korenek; Cynthia Krumme; Madeline LaBonte; Marie Lappin; Joel Layfield; Missy Layfield; Bob Ledner; Pat Lee; Suzanne Lee; Kathryn C. Lim; Julie Macedo; Coramarie Marinan; Wies and Julie Matejko; Caitlin McCarthy-King; Deirdre McCarthy-King; Karen McClure; Sara McDonnall; Maria McNaught, mom to Trevor (leukemia survivor); Kimberly Mehalick; Wendy Mitchell; Amanda Moodie; Jean Morris; Leslee Morris; Laura Myer; Cathy Nell; Berendina Norton; M. Clare Paris; Jeff Pasowicz; Donna Phelps; Bev Phipps; Paula Pickering; Michelle Prymas; Mary Riecke; Jennifer M. Rohloff; Joy Rollefson (mom to Patrik); Valerie Rye; Steve and Shirlene S.; Maria and William Sansalone; Carole Schuette; Kimberly Schuetz; Donna Schumacher; Judith Mravetz Schumann; Mark W. Schumann; Sharon A. Schuster; Susan Sennett; Kurt Shedd (Dana’s Dad); Lori Shipman; Mark A. Simmons, DDS; Lorrie Simonetti; Cathi Smith; Carl and Diane Snedeker; Shannon J. Snow; Marlene Sorota; Anne Spurgeon; Anabel Stehli; Becky Stephan; Kim Stimson; Dawni Summitt; Megan Thomas; Gigi N. Thorsen; Robyn Thurber; Lisa Tignor; Laura Todd-Pierce; Kathleen Tucker; Brigit Tuxen; Mike and Stacey Vasquez (parents) and Darla Cain (proud Grandma); Annie Walls; Ralene Walls; Tami Watchurst; Sheri White; Helen Wilder; Jean Wilkerson; Jan Williamson; Catherine Woodman; Amy Wright; Erika Zignego; Ellen Zimmerman; Ann; and those who wish to remain anonymous.

Despite the inspiration and contributions of so many, any errors, omissions, misstatements, or flaws in the book are entirely my own.