Childhood Cancer

Some children with brain or spinal cord tumors require therapy with steroid medications at intervals throughout treatment. Prednisone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, and others in this category can cause many unpleasant side effects, including fluid retention, high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar, sleep disturbances, muscle weakness, cataracts, and bone weakening. Many children experience profound mood swings and are very emotional. If your child is having these kinds of problems, consult the neurooncologist to see whether the dose of steroid medication can be adjusted or whether a different type of steroid with fewer side effects is appropriate. For more information about steroids, see Chapter 11, Chemotherapy.

My 3-year-old niece was on Decadron® during treatment for a brainstem anaplastic astrocytoma. She had localized radiation, then later whole brain and spinal radiation, plus various chemos, but nothing whacked her out like Decadron®. She was on a high dose during radiation, and we were waiting to see her head turn all the way round or for her to start vomiting great gobs of green stuff. When the Decadron® was reduced, sanity returned to the household.


Meagan is very emotionally labile after only two doses of prednisone. She is very frustrated, quick to anger, hits, screams. On those days we try to stay home, and this helps to decrease the stimulation. We plot it out on the calendar in advance so that we can plan accordingly. I think the kids deserve some tender, loving care while taking prednisone. Of course, I don’t allow the hitting, but I do try hard not to aggravate the situation when she is on prednisone. I can see how she is uncomfortable being out of control, but she just can’t help it.