Childhood Cancer

Childhood Cancer Survivors

Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of damage to the bones in the head and neck are as follows:

  • Bone underdevelopment

  • Altered or asymmetric appearance

Signs and symptoms of damage to the mouth or throat are as follows:

  • Missing teeth

  • Crooked teeth

  • Cavities

  • Small teeth

  • Short teeth roots

  • Enamel problems

  • Dry mouth caused by decreased salivary flow

  • Altered taste

  • Bad breath

Signs and symptoms of sinus problems are as follows:

  • Chronic post-nasal drip

  • Chronic discharge from nostrils, especially on the irradiated side

  • Pain in cheekbones or above eyebrows

  • Headaches

  • Bad breath

Symptoms of esophageal reflux are as follows:

  • Difficulty and/or painful swallowing (especially dry foods)

  • Burning discomfort beneath breastbone (called acid indigestion or heartburn)

  • Burning feeling in the throat

  • Feeling of food coming back up in the throat

  • Bitter or sour taste in the mouth

  • Weight loss

  • Belching

  • Hoarseness

  • Breathing problems, such as asthma, coughing, wheezing, or vocal cord inflammation