Sample ALSF Ambassador Timeline & Expectations
The Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) Student Leadership Academy (SLA) is an awesome kick-off event to learn more about the foundation and how you can help kids with cancer while learning how to be a better student leader. ALSF is looking for a special group of students who will serve in the prestigious role of an ALSF Student Ambassador. In this role, you can expect the following:
Top rated leadership and life skills development training at the Student Leadership Academy
- Several opportunities to use your leadership skills to make a positive difference.
- Develop key skills needed in high school, college and beyond such as networking, effective communication, and problem solving, leading a team, and motivating others.
- Participation in monthly activities focused on bringing awareness and fundraising for ALSF
- Engage monthly with the ALSF High School & Universities Specialist to discuss goals and achievements as it relates to your goals.
- Complete community service hours while making a lasting impact on helping to find the cure for childhood cancer.
- Demonstrate your commitment as a student leader to your high school, community and future/current college.
- Be recognized as an ALSF Student Ambassador with your picture and profile highlighted on the website.
From August to May our ALSF Student Ambassadors will be expected to participate in various activities throughout the school-year to help the mission of ALSF. Ambassadors can expect to participate in about 4 to 8 hours a month of service activities. Students selected to be a part of our ambassador program will develop their own timeline based on their schedules and personal interests.
Below is what a sample timeline may look like:
- August and September - organize a team for The Million Mile.
- October – approach 3 - 5 businesses in your area to introduce them to ALSF and try to arrange a fundraising collaboration (ex: profit share, lemonade stand at store, etc.)
- November – hold a lemonade stand at a school event
- December – post a few facts about childhood cancer and ALSF a few days throughout the month, encourage friends and family to give online before the end of the year
- January – recruit 5 students to join you in started a ALSF Club (Lemon Club) at school
- February – hold a fundraising event like we planned at ALSF (capstone project)
- March – post on Instagram, Snapchat etc. facts about childhood cancer and ALSF
- April –Plan a Spring Stand somewhere at your school or community.
- May – design your own (support an ALSF event in your area, approach businesses, social media, recruit new individuals)