It was hot and humid in Dublin this weekend — the kind of weather that makes a cup of hand-squeezed lemonade even more refreshing.
About 30 Dublin-area kids gathered on Saturday and Sunday afternoon to raise money for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood, a national organization based in the Philadelphia area that funds pediatric cancer research.
Researchers from the Danielle Benoit Laboratories at the University of Rochester hosted an event to raise money to fight childhood cancer.
It was part of a weekend long event called "Alex's Lemonade Days" and it was held at the Brighton Farmer's Market. Alex's Lemonade Stand is a national foundation founded by a boy named Alex Scott.
Despite the rain Sunday morning, the lemonade flowed outside Elmdale Church of the Nazarene in unincorporated Alto. Working the bar was 9-year-old Wyatt Fuss.
The money the Clarksville boy makes from his lemonade stand goes to pediatric cancer research.
It’s research that’s vitally important to Wyatt. He has been battling a spinal cord tumor since he was 15 months old.
Payton Kannarr, 13, is in remission from leukemia, but she continues to fight and give back to the same organization that helped her along this journey.
The summer after Austin Dunlap’s seventh grade year at East Valley Middle School, he was plagued by sickness and stomach pain.
The symptoms subsided in time for him to ride steer and team rope in the East Helena Rodeo, but when they cropped back up after the event, Austin’s pediatrician knew it was more than the mono he first suspected.
Alexandra Scott was just shy of her first birthday when she was diagnosed with neuroblastoma.
Even so, "Alex" and her family held annual lemonade stands in her front yard to benefit cancer research.
Meanwhile, Alex fought the childhood cancer that caused tumors to grow in her body and forced her to have a stem cell transplant. In 2004, she died at the age of 8.
Lauren is bright, strong and mature - she's been through more than most kids her age and is still battling a low-grade glioma. She is currently attending college pursuing a nursing degree so she can help other kids with cancer.