Researchers & Reviewers

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Welcome to the ALSF Grants Programs resource center for childhood cancer researchers and grant reviewers.

  • Applicants will find details about our grants, including guidelines, annual calendar, how to create a portal account and how to submit an application.
  • Grant Recipients can download forms and reporting guidelines, as well as find due dates for annual reports. Recipients will login to their portal account to submit new award requirements, reports, and publications. 
  • Reviewers may access guidelines for grant categories as well as login to ALSF’s Reviewer Portal.
  • Scientific Resources are available as free tools powered by ALSF to foster collaboration and resource sharing among scientists.

If you have any questions about our programs, submission process, or need assistance, please reach out to

ALSF Researcher

Learn about ALSF research grant categories

Scientific Resources

Childhood Cancer Speaker Series

The Childhood Cancer Speaker Series feature educational presentations by experts in the field. These free lectures will be of interest to scientists, especially those involved in childhood cancer research and to childhood cancer advocates.

View Upcoming and Previous Lectures

Childhood Cancer Repository

This repository banks and distributes validated cell lines and patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) established from childhood cancers to investigators seeking to do research on childhood cancer.

Visit the Repository website

Childhood Cancer Data Lab

The Childhood Cancer Data Lab (CCDL) develops tools and training programs to empower childhood cancer researchers to utilize vast amounts of data to make more robust discoveries and cures, faster and cheaper.

Visit the Data Lab website