- Ewing Sarcoma

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Ewing Sarcoma
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Learn More »At the end of August 2007 we found a lump on Miranda’s back. She was 3-years-old at the time, the youngest of four girls. Her pediatrician sent us to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital to find out what it was. She was admitted on September 1, 2007 when her fever of three days could no longer be controlled with medication. Miranda was dehydrated and not eating or drinking. After numerous tests and scans we got a final diagnosis on September 6, Miranda had Ewing’s Sarcoma, a rare childhood cancer.
Miranda was treated at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital, where she had six rounds of chemotherapy and then surgery on December 21 to remove the tumor and half a rib. This was done partially to be able to get to the tumor and partially because it appeared the tumor may have originated from the rib. During the surgery a g-tube was also put in to feed her directly to her stomach. In the four months of treatment prior to surgery, Miranda had lots of problems with diarrhea and vomiting and she wasn't eating anything - she had lost eleven pounds (30% of her weight). Her little body was hit really hard by the chemotherapy; the g-tube was a lifesaver. She had eight more rounds of chemotherapy after the surgery and is now finished with her treatment and cancer free.
Written by Tiffany Beamer, Miranda’s Mom
Posted 0309
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