Childhood Cancer

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Cody McDuffie

  • Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)

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Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)

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Before November 30th, 2006, our family had never heard of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Today, and each day since our youngest son Cody McDuffie was diagnosed, those words have become a painful part of our lives as pediatric cancer crashed into our world. Cody was just two months short of his 13th birthday upon diagnosis. That was the beginning of our journey into the world of pediatric cancer.

Cody spent the first several weeks after diagnosis in the hospital fighting for his life. We literally had to watch our child starve for days when his body was too weak and fragile from the side effects of treatments to take in any food or water! After enduring many life threatening complications and near death episodes due to the toxic chemotherapy fighting the cancer, he reached remission on April 4th, 2007! Cody still undergoes daily chemotherapy at home, as well as monthly visits for chemotherapy in Atlanta, and will continue to do so until May 2010. Complications due to the therapy continue to present us with new problems, but with strength and courage Cody continues to fight this monstrous disease. He will celebrate his 5-year survival date in May 2010!

In spite of the often debilitating side effects of his treatment regimen, he continues to enjoy many of the same activities he has always loved including his love of all animals, reading, playing the drums, hunting and fishing. Cody is now 15-years-old and a freshman at Houston County High . Each day is a struggle for him as he lives not only with the effects of his treatments, but also under the burden of possible relapse. He has endured and continues to fight with the courage and stamina of battle-hardened warrior!

Written by: Wanda McDuffie, Cody's Mother
Posted: 04/09

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