- Burkitt Lymphoma

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Burkitt Lymphoma
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Learn More »Eric was born on June 12, 2004. He was a shy child but full of wonder; he radiated love and light. After a few trips to the hospital because of fever and abdominal pain in late 2008, he was sent to Shands Children's Hospital in Gainesville, FL. A week before Christmas 2008, 4-year-old Eric was diagnosed with Burkitt's Lymphoma. He fought a very hard battle in the coming months but always kept a wonderful attitude. He was very strong and sweet. He loved superheroes & Spongebob. His big brother, Ethan (then 5), was his best buddy. Eric transcended this world exactly one week before he would have turned 5 years old. He taught us so much about courage, human will and the importance of childlike joy. Cancer took a very good-natured child from our lives and he is dearly missed.
Written by Angie Gregory, Eric’s Aunt
November 2011
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