- Brain Tumors

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Brain Tumors
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Learn More »Anthony is 8 and loves to ride his bike and play Minecraft. He began to experience headaches when he woke up, and they became more frequent and intense. His mother started out by taking him to the dentist because he had always grinds his teeth in his sleep. Following that, she made an appointment to get his eyes checked for glasses. It was here that the optometrist discovered swollen nerves behind both of his eyes. Anthony was sent to the local hospital to get a MRI – the results showed a large mass on his brain. He and his parents were Med-flighted 200 miles away to Oakland Children's Hospital, where Anthony had a 16 hour brain surgery to remove the tumor from his brain. Pathologist results determined the type of tumor was choroid plexus carcinoma.
Anthony is just beginning his treatment, which will consist of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. His family hopes that he will be able to get rid of the cancer completely and grow to be a happy and healthy boy. Anthony is always smiling and is a very kindhearted young man who touches the hearts of everyone he meets.
Hero Quote: “Thumbs Up!”
Information provided by Athena Cox, Anthony’s mother
August 2014
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Your donation helps to fund critically-needed research to find better treatments and cures for children with cancer.