Childhood Cancer

Brain Tumors

Brain tumors can be low-grade, which tend to grow more slowly, or high-grade with faster growth rates and more commonly spread into normal brain tissue. There are several rare types and sub-types of pediatric brain tumors.

View the 2023 Impact Report

Latest Brain Tumors grants

Richard Drexler, MD/PhD, Principal Investigator
Stanford University
Young Investigator Grants, Awarded 2024
Gustavo Alencastro Veiga Cruzeiro, PhD, Principal Investigator
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Young Investigator Grants, Awarded 2024
Dong Wang, PhD, Principal Investigator
University of Colorado Denver
Young Investigator Grants, Awarded 2024

Latest Brain Tumors blog posts

One of Jessica Tsai’s research projects produced hundreds (and hundreds) of gigabytes of data. If you printed this information out, you would need at least 10,000 cases of printer paper, which is pretty unimaginable, so Tsai likes to use... more
As a young trainee, many people gave Dr. Michelle Monje, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) grantee from Stanford University the (unsolicited) advice that one cannot have a big career in medicine or science and also have children.... more
As the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) Director of Science, I work to evaluate our funded research projects to track progress and find gaps in funding so that we can direct more research dollars to the largest areas of need, and to... more