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Elijah Kimaru

  • Neuroblastoma

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Elijah Kimaru loves to laugh at cartoons like Tom and Jerry, Scooby Doo and Disney movies. When he was not yet 2 years old, the outgoing, cheerful toddler refused to eat or walk and seemed to be feeling miserable. His parents took him to the doctor who diagnosed him with pneumonia. Two days later, when he couldn’t walk, wouldn’t eat, and was crying constantly, his parents knew it had to be something else. His doctor sent them to the hospital for an ultrasound scan to check Elijah’s appendix. The ultrasound instead revealed a tumor on the adrenal gland of his right kidney. Little Elijah, only 21 months old, was diagnosed with Stage IV neuroblastoma.

Sixteen months of treatment followed, including a long surgery to remove the tumor and the kidney, six rounds of chemotherapy, two stem cell transplants, a dozen rounds of radiation, five rounds of antibody therapy and seven rounds of Accutane treatment. Elijah’s mom, Emily said, “Elijah is my hero because he has endured and overcome more than most adults have in their lifetime.”

Before Elijah was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma in September 2011, gas and food were the least of the family’s concerns. They were a two-income family, with one child and living comfortably. When Elijah began treatment Emily stopped work to take care of her son, staying day and night in the hospital with him while her husband struggled to work as many hours as he could to pay their bills. Paying for things such as gas and food quickly became a struggle particularly as Elijah's treatment moved out of state. Luckily their social worker told them about Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation’s Travel For Care Program that provided them with gas cards to help with the trips to the hospital. "With medical bills and all the expenses that come with having a child diagnosed with cancer, not having to worry about getting to and from treatment is a huge relief!" said Emily.

Despite everything he has been through, Elijah is always laughing and smiling. And today, Elijah is 9 years old, four years off treatment and eight years in remission! He's also a big brother to a sister and baby brother. His mom says, “My hope is for Elijah to stay clear of cancer and be able to tell his story when he grows up about how he beat the odds.”

Emily’s quote: “To always be there for your child. I feel like Elijah and I have a stronger bond because of the journey we've had. Also, never lose hope.”

Information provided by Emily Kimaru, Elijah's Mom
Updated: November 2019

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