Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Kylie Houtchings

  • Neuroblastoma

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Kylie was truly a hero for withstanding so much in her short life. At the age of 6, Kylie, who loved singing, Hillary Duff and Christian music, was diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma.
A year and a half after her diagnosis, her bone marrow was clear of neuroblastoma. Unfortunately, eight months later she experienced a relapse.  Her family traveled to Philadelphia later that year for MIBG therapy.  While in Philadelphia her family found out about Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation. They returned home and held their first lemonade stand, raising $400 for childhood cancer research. Kylie was declared NED (no evidence of disease) in August 2004.
In December of 2004, a scan showed evidence of a relapse. Kylie’s family traveled to New York in the hope that Kylie could undergo antibody therapy, but her cancer had progressed and she was not eligible for the treatment. Kylie underwent more chemotherapy and another round of MIBG therapy. Nevertheless, her cancer was progressing. She participated in an NIH study of a different oral chemotherapy drug but relapsed again.
In 2005, Kylie became a big sister when baby Jackie was born. Her family traveled to Houston for an experimental treatment involving Kylie’s own lymphocytes and antibodies, and then she started chemotherapy again.
In all, she underwent 30 rounds of chemotherapy, a surgery to remove the main tumor and surrounding tissue, 36 radiation treatments, a stem cell harvest, stem cell transplant, 10 rounds of accutane, more than 100 platelet transfusions, 80 blood transfusions and a countless number of shots, pokes and tests.
In February 2006, Kylie was hospitalized for severe pain. That spring she could walk only short distances. In June, with no medical options that would help her quality of life, Kylie went on hospice/home care.  Nevertheless, she insisted on attending her family’s annual lemonade stand.
Kylie’s dream of visiting all 50 states was accomplished with help from postcards, gifts and trinkets from every state thanks to teachers, friends, and family.

Kylie passed away peacefully at her home on August 8, 2006 with her parents at her side.
Quote:  “It was an honor and a blessed experience to be her mom and dad.”
Information provided by Amanda Jo Houtchings, Kylie’s mom
April 2013


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