Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Adele White

  • Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor (AT/RT)

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Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor (AT/RT)

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In February of 2013 Adele experienced a sudden onset of right sided facial weakness. It didn't go away and we ended up taking her for an MRI. The MRI showed a mass and the next few weeks consisted of lots of phone calls, emails, research and doctor visits. Her family learned in an instant that, “cancer does not discriminate and affects children even at the youngest ages.”

Adele’s family chose to go ahead with a resection attempt on April 29th 2013 at St. Louis Children's Hospital based on the advice of her surgeon. He felt like the tumor she had was very aggressive and unfortunately that was confirmed after a partial resection of her tumor. Her family spent about a week in the hospital recuperating from brain surgery. 

That was just the beginning of many ups, downs, scary moments and miracles. Adele finished the last of her AR/RT brain/spine cancer treatment protocol in December of 2013. She had some odd leg pain in April of 2014 and an MRI showed signs of relapse. Her parents consulted with St. Jude hospital in Memphis and began a trial drug there that she continues to take. 

Other than the original facial weakness and total hearing loss in her right eart, Adele is a completely typical 6 year old. She does have residual tumor remaining and there is a possibility that it will start to grow again. Her family relied heavily on faith and prayer and give all credit for her survival to God.

Her family marvels at her bravery noting that they cannot imagine going through all the things she has had to endure and still wanting to play after it all. Adele is a fighter with a great smile and just wants to get out and play after each test, treatment or examination. She does not let things like being connected through tubes slow her down or her desires to simply be a toddler and play with her brother and three sisters.  

Information provided by Melissa White, Adele’s Mom
July 2018

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