Childhood Cancer

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Allison Michelle Holmes

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Allison is an energetic young woman who loves sports, especially softball. 

In summer 2007, right before seventh grade, she complained about soreness in her leg that her coaches thought was a pulled muscle. Everyone hoped she could get through it with some stretches and rehab, but it turned into real pain.

In early August, she went to the doctor and found out she had a tumor in her left femur. The hole in her bone was the size of a quarter. Allison was then diagnosed with osteosarcoma (bone cancer) and began chemotherapy a week later. She also had several surgries to replace most of her femur with a steel rod. 

Eventually, Allison's scans came back clear and she was cancer-free! She finished treatment and moved through high school happy and healthy. She even got her driver's license and a long-term boyfriend. She is now graduated!

Allison is a hero to her dad, Todd, because of how she never stops fighting. You can read more about her story at:

Updated February 2008

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