Childhood Cancer

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Trevor James Gresko

  • Neuroblastoma

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On December 30, 2002 our son Trevor James Gresko was born. Our hearts melted in an instant and it wasn’t long before his silly, sweet, and sensitive personality began to shine through. Life was going as good as could be when Trevor developed a mysterious black eye that didn’t seem to go away. Although Trevor was a very active and seemingly healthy little boy our anxiety grew and we headed to the ER. On February 5, 2005 at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Trevor was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma. We learned our little boy had cancer that had spread throughout his body and bones including behind both eyes. Trevor then started a very intensive treatment protocol in an attempt to rid him of Neuroblastoma.

During Treatment Trevor proved he was so much more than a cancer patient. He was a little boy with an imagination that could go on for miles. He was a pirate, a paleontologist, a sharp shooting cowboy, and a valiant big brother. He was bug wrangler, a tiger-lion-gator power ranger, a sword yielding dragon fighter, and a loving sweet son. Trevor had an almost comical passion for collecting. He could find the beauty in dirty old rocks, broken acorns, cotton balls and even stink bugs. His pockets were always stuffed full of some kind of very special treasure. Although Trevor responded very well to treatment and achieved no evidence of disease. We learned the heart breaking news that Trevor had relapsed in May of 2006.

Although there are treatment options available there is no known cure for relapsed Neuroblastoma. Trevor was put on many treatment protocols in an attempt to knock back the cancer once again but sadly all failed and Trevor passed away on March 30, 2007. His contagious giggle will echo in our hearts forever. To see Trevor’s full story click on the link to his home page.

-Written by Jaclyn Gresko

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