Fundraiser Details
Welcome to the 6th Annual Rogers Family Lemonade Stand! We will be holding our annual Lemonade Stand on Saturday June 1, 2019 to help raise money for Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF). Last year hundreds of people attended our stand, mini-events and donated online to help us to raise $27,445. Our goal in 2019 is to raise $30,000!
Last year our stand was particularly meaningful as one of the students at Nicolle's pre-school, 4-year old William Anderson, was diagnosed with Wilms Tumor. The outpouring of love and support for William and his family was certainly felt at our 2018 lemonade stand. Unfortunately, William lost his battle with Wilms Tumor in August 2018.
While our lemonade stand certainly cannot fill the void of our loss of William (and so many other pediatric cancer patients), it is also a reminder of just how important it is to give... to make a difference... to help fund research and services in an area that is the leading cause of death by disease in children under 19, yet receives only 4% of the budget from the National Cancer Institute.
So we need all of YOU--as you have done for the past five years, to help us press on to raise awareness and funds for kids and families who shouldn't have to deal with the harsh realities of pediatric cancer. Join our team, host a mini-event, attend or donate to our stand--anything you can do to raise awareness is a win for a special group of kids and their families.
Here's a few ways you can be a part of this cause that literally has the ability to change lives:
1) Come to our lemonade stand on June 1, 2019.
2) Make a donation to Alex's Lemonade through our secure ALSF webpage:
3) Send a donation through Venmo (@RogersLemonadeStand) or PayPal (PayPal.Me/RogersLemonadeStand). 100% of the proceeds we collect at our stand go to Alex's Lemonade Stand--we do not "offset" any of our expenses.
4) Donate an item for our silent auction or connect us to someone who may be able to donate on a silent auction item. Also be sure to bid on silent auction items as they become available!
5) VOLUNTEER! As our event has grown, we need help in creating/managing mini events, as well as managing our large event on June 1st! Please let us know if you are interested in volunteering or just simply help by sharing information about our lemonade stand or website with people you know.
Most importantly, we will continue to honor and remember some of our childhood cancer heroes including William Anderson, Taylor Hendrix, Edie Gilger, "Princess Lacey" Holsworth and of course Alex Scott whose vision continues to inspire our family everyday. For information about these unbelievable heroes, visit the following links:
Taylor -
Edie -