Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Ella Curry

  • Neuroblastoma

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Ella is a quiet but strong soul. She loves to try EVERYTHING and doesn't give up easily on ANYTHING. She loves to play with her brother and sister, go to school and do gymnastics.

Ella had terrible stomach pains off and on for about a month, especially at night or lying down. Her parents had taken her to the hospital once, but she was misdiagnosed. About three weeks later in February 2013, she was diagnosed with neuroblastoma.

Ella had six rounds of chemo, surgery, and radiation and immunotherapy. She relapsed quickly in November 2013, and had to do four more rounds of chemo, radiation and another surgery along with immunotherapy. She eventually finished with a "neuroblastoma vaccine" only given at Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York. Ella is now in remission.

Ella and her family had to travel many times from St. Louis to treatment in New York. The ALSF Travel For Care Program helped cover the cost of flying back and forth.

She has more strength than her parents ever knew! She continues to persevere regardless of her situation and has such a zest for life. Because of all this, Ella has decided she wants to become a nurse practitioner.

Ella’s parents’ hope for the future is to live and love life. They hope to pay it forward and provide hope to others because they have been given so much kindness through it all!

Quote: "When I get big, I want to become a nurse and help other kids like me." – Ella

Information provided by Jennifer Curry, Ella’s Mother
January 2016

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