Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Paisley Collins

  • Retinoblastoma

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Paisley is such a happy baby. She smiles all the time and giggles when she is kissed or tickled. She LOVES playing with her toys, especially ones that play music or animal sounds. Some of her favorite foods are peaches, sweet potatoes, and carrots. She may not be able to talk yet but she's very vocal and loves making noises.

Paisley’s mother discovered her cancer when she took a flash photo of Paisley. The flash caused one of her eyes to have a white glow, an abnormal red reflex. A few days later, her mother remembered hearing a story about a mother who took a picture of her son. His eye also had the white glow and the photo ended up saving his life. She went online to try to find the story and saw that Paisley's photo looked just like those of children with retinoblastoma. Paisley was officially diagnosed with retinoblastoma by a pediatric ophthalmologist.

Every four weeks, Paisley has been going to Nicklaus Children's Hospital in Miami, FL, about 700 miles away from home, for an exam under anesthesia (EUA), laser treatment and chemotherapy. She will continue to have MRIs every 3 months to monitor the tumor in her eye as well as a related lesion in her brain. At home, she gets daily eye drops, liquid antibiotics on the weekends, and Neupogen injections for 10 days. She also has weekly CBC finger sticks.

Paisley is a hero because in spite of her cancer treatment, she continues to smile and be her normal, happy self. She is turning 9 months old on January 27, and is developing physically and mentally just as she should. She has a rough time during treatment but she bounces back quickly and doesn't let cancer keep her down.

Information provided by Maggie Collins, Paisley’s Mother
January 2016

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