Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Caroline Metzger

  • Neuroblastoma

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Caroline is 9 years old and officially a childhood cancer survivor. She loves softball, reading with her mom and being a big sister to Stephen and Philomena. She is quick witted, funny and always willing to help others.

While napping one afternoon, Caroline stopped breathing. Her mother, Lisa, a registered nurse, performed CPR on her and saved her life. After an ambulance ride to a local hospital, her parents were informed that Caroline had a tumor in her neck. Then they were told that it was neuroblastoma, a type of cancer, and moved to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).

Caroline was in the PICU for five weeks. She was intubated and heavily sedated during this time. She received outpatient chemo for the next six months, receiving her last round the week of her first birthday.

In 2017, she officially moved into survivorship. Thanks to the wonderful staff at CHOP and the love and support of family and friends, she has a happy ending to her story.

Caroline’s parents hope Caroline goes on to live a long and fulfilling life. Her father says, “Caroline will live with the same compassion and love that she received during her time of need.” She certainly displays that at home and in the classroom, where she's always empathetic and supportive of her classmates. That's doubly true for her younger siblings, Stephen and Philomena. 

Their family loves doing things together too, whether it's going to museums or venturing out to eat now that Philomena is a little older. They also venture out to the Jersey Shore quite often to spend time with their family. Caroline absolutely adores the beach, and is so excited she can do so without fear of cancer taking away her childhood.

Quote: Steve’s niece Kira, Caroline’s cousin, said, all on her own: "Can we tell people not to give me presents on my birthday and instead donate the money to Caroline?" Kira and her sister Grace ended up having an Alex’s Lemonade Stand themed birthday party!

Read Lisa Metzger's (Caroline's mother) guest blog post.

Information provided by Steve Metzger, Caroline’s father
Updated: June, 2022

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