Companies Curing Childhood Cancer

Golf Outing

Group of golfers

A golf outing can be a fun, team building activity for your colleagues as well as an effective way to raise money for childhood cancer research!

Once you have a date, tee time and location for your event, register your golf outing with us. After you register, you will be connected with a personal fundraising coach to help answer your questions as you plan your event.

Below are some fun activities for raising additional funds at your golf outing:

  • Sell mulligans - people can buy a $5 (or any price) mulligan ticket to retake a shot at the start.
  • Hold a 50/50 raffle where half the money in the pot goes to the winner and half goes to ALSF.
  • Have a live or silent auction for items donated from local businesses. Ask your fundraising coach for a letter of support to help in requesting donations from businesses.
  • Ask golfers to pay $1 for each stroke over par.
  • Charge an entry fee for a closest to the hole contest or a beat the golf pro contest.
  • Have a pro on the course and tell golfers they can pay to have the pro take a shot for them.
  • Sponsor a hole on the course or sponsor a golf cart.
  • Hold a longest drive or straightest drive contest.
  • Hold a raffle for prize packs, trips, equipment, and other golf outings.
  • Have a lemonade or refreshment stand on the course and ask for donations.

Please contact Addie Martelli at to discuss planning your golf outing.