Childhood Cancer

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While most cases of childhood cancer are sporadic events, approximately 10% of children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer have an underlying genetic mutation that predisposes them to cancer. Cancer predisposition syndromes, such as RUNX1 familial platelet disorder, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, lead to an increased risk of one or more cancers over the lifetime of the individual. A better understanding of disease biology, along with genetic testing, genetic counseling and cancer surveillance, may result in improved outcomes for children with cancer predisposition syndromes.

Latest Predisposition grants

Serine Avagyan, MD/PhD , Principal Investigator
The Regents of the University of California San Francisco
RUNX1 Early Career Investigator Grants, Awarded 2021
Wenbin Xiao, MD/PhD, Principal Investigator
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
RUNX1 Early Career Investigator Grants, Awarded 2020
Lucio Castilla, PhD, Principal Investigator
University of Massachusetts Medical School
RARE Grant Program (Research Accelerating RUNX1 Exploration), Awarded 2020

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As the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) Director of Science, I work to evaluate our funded research projects to track progress and find gaps in funding so that we can direct more research dollars to the largest areas of need, and to... more