Childhood Cancer

Childhood Cancer

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

The cornerstone of all federal special education laws in the United States is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. This law, first passed in 1990, has been amended several times. It covers children and their families from birth to age 3, preschoolers, and students up to age 22 who have not received a high school diploma. Under the IDEA:

•  All children, regardless of disability, are entitled to a free and appropriate public education and necessary related services provided in the least restrictive environment.

•  Children are entitled to a fair evaluation to determine their need for special education services.

•  Parents of a child with disabilities participate in the planning and decision-making for their child’s special education.

•  Parents can challenge decisions made by the school system, and disputes will be resolved by an impartial third party.

Our son has multiple late effects from his chemotherapy, radiation, and stem cell transplant. He has an FM unit to help him hear his teacher. The school system was great about providing physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. However, they wanted to put him in a special needs school, but I wanted him to have support in the classroom. They said they had no staff, so I put an ad in the newspaper at a university graduate school near his school. We found a second-year grad student in special ed to help him in the classroom. The school district refused to hire her, so we appealed and had a hearing. We won. The aide is wonderful and helps him stay on task, understand instructions, and keep organized. I’m an effective, but exhausted, advocate.

Several online sources provide reliable information about learning disabilities and parental rights under the IDEA and Section 504. Reputable websites include Wrightslaw (, the National Center for Learning Disabilities (, and LD Online (

Referral for services

The first step to getting educational support is to submit a written “referral for services” letter. A parent or a child’s teacher can make a request for special education testing. Do not ask for a referral verbally; testing and services must be requested in writing. Obtain written, dated acknowledgement of the school’s receipt of the request, because school staff are legally required to hold a meeting within 30 days of receiving the request.

My son had problems as soon as he entered kindergarten while on treatment. He couldn’t hold a pencil, and he developed difficulties with math and reading. By second grade, I asked the school for extra help, and they tested him. They did an IEP and gave him special attention in small remedial groups. The school system also provided weekly physical therapy, which really helped him.

The next steps in the special education process are evaluation, eligibility, development of an individualized education program (IEP), annual review, and 3-year assessment. You will need to become an advocate for your child as your family goes through the steps to determine what placement, modifications, and services your child is entitled to.

We have had an excellent experience with the school district throughout preschool and now in kindergarten. We went to them with the first neuropsychological results, which were dismal. They retested him and suggested a special developmental preschool and occupational therapy. Both helped him enormously. He had an evaluation for special education services done and now has a full-time aide in kindergarten. He is getting the help he needs.



The IEP process was more difficult, and more psychologically damaging, than my daughter’s cancer treatment. Although we provided a detailed report of her neuropsychological evaluation that included specific recommendations for the type of reading instruction proven to work with children with her deficits, the school said it did not use those nationally recognized interventions. She was subjected to testing at the beginning and end of each school year, but different types of tests were used each time, so we could never make an apples-to-apples comparison of results. After 4 years, I placed her in a private school for students with learning disabilities, where she is flourishing. To this day, she dissolves into tears if pulled out of class for educational testing without prior notice, but she has no problem going back for checkups at the hospital where she was treated for cancer.

Once the referral is made, an evaluation is needed to determine whether the child qualifies for services as a student with a disability. Usually, a team composed of a general education teacher, special education teacher, district representative, and others (e.g., school nurse) attend the first meeting. It helps immensely to have the liaison from the hospital present to make sure the IEP team fully understands the child’s illness, treatment, and impairments. The evaluation usually includes educational, medical, social, and psychological areas.

Most children treated for cancer should have a thorough neuropsychological evaluation, which is best administered by pediatric neuropsychologists experienced in testing children with cancer. The results should be shared with the school system, which must consider the findings but may also conduct its own assessment. If parents disagree with the findings from the school’s evaluation, they have the legal right to request an independent educational evaluation by a third-party practitioner, which is paid for by the school district.

Children may also be evaluated to determine the need for specific therapies or services in identified areas (called “related services”). Examples of related services are physical therapy, occupation therapy, adaptive physical education, and assistive technology.

Initially, the school was reluctant to test Gina because they thought she was too young (6 years old). But she had been getting occupational therapy at the hospital for 2 years, and I wanted the school to take over. I brought in articles and spoke to the teacher, principal, nurse, and counselor. Gina had a dynamite teacher who really listened, and she helped get permission to have Gina tested. Her tests showed her to be very strong in some areas, and very weak in others. Together, we put together an IEP, which we have updated every spring. Originally, she received weekly occupational therapy and daily help from the special education teacher. She’s now in fourth grade and is doing so well that she no longer needs occupational therapy; she only gets extra help during study hall.

From the time the parents agree to the evaluation, school districts have 60 days to complete the evalution and present the findings. Parents attend a meeting with the IEP team to discuss the evaluation results and make a determination about whether a child is eligible for services. Students can be included in this meeting, although younger children most often are not.

Eligibility for special education

The IDEA requires that students meet two requirements to be eligible for special education services: 1) The child must have one (or more) of the 14 disabilities listed in the law; and 2) as a result of the disability, the child needs special education services to access the general education program. The 14 eligibility categories for special education are:

•  Autism

•  Deaf/blindness

•  Deafness

•  Developmental delay

•  Emotional disturbance

•  Hearing impairment

•  Intellectual disability

•  Multiple disabilities

•  Orthopedic impairment

•  Other health impairment (OHI)

•  Specific learning disability

•  Speech or language impairment

•  Traumatic brain injury (TBI)

•  Visual impairment, including blindness

Most children with effects from treatment for solid tumors qualify for services under the category of OHI and often a secondary eligibility (e.g., hearing impairment, speech or language impairment, orthopedic impairment).

Individualized education program (IEP)

Destiny (age 11) has some long-term effects from her treatment for stage IV neuroblastoma 9 years ago. Her treatment included high-dose chemotherapy, radiation to the head and brain, and transplantation. Her learning ability (in particular, comprehension and short-term memory) has been affected. The special ed department at the school told us she was entitled to extra help because of her “other health-impaired” status. Destiny is in a general education classroom setting, but a special education teacher comes into the room several times daily to give extra help to the kids who need it. Examples of services are: helping with problem solving (especially math), giving her extra time to do work, as well as allowing her to repeat tests that she didn’t perform well on. We have found this to be a great help in Destiny’s education. She is now making As and Bs as well as exhibiting a more positive attitude toward school in general.

After eligibility is determined, a meeting is called to develop an IEP. The IEP team attending this meeting includes the parent(s), the student’s regular education teacher, a special education teacher, a representative of the school district, someone who can interpret the instructional implications of the evaluation results, the student (when appropriate), and any other person with knowledge or special expertise regarding the child.

Attending an IEP meeting can be intimidating (because school personnel usually outnumber the parents) and emotional (because it can be difficult to discuss evaluation results and additional challenges facing your child). You are entitled to bring another adult with you as an advocate, to take notes, or simply to observe. This meeting is an opportunity to involve the hospital’s school liaison to make sure that all meeting participants understand the child’s current and past medical issues and that they use that information to write the IEP goals.

My daughter suffered profound high-frequency hearing loss as a result of her treatment. Our audiologist recommended she be evaluated for speech therapy because she was mispronouncing certain sounds that she could no longer hear. At the IEP meeting, I sat across the table from six school representatives who said that the speech deficits were just mild developmental delays, probably due to her illness, and that she would catch up without intervention. I had to explain at some length that, due to her illness, she was unlikely to “catch up” because she could no longer hear those sounds and would not be able to figure out how to make them without assistance.

The IEP should describe in detail the special education program and any other related services that need to be provided to meet the individual needs of your child. The IEP describes what your child is to be taught, how and when the school is to teach it, and any educational accommodations that will be made.

Students with disabilities need to learn the same things as other students: reading, writing, mathematics, history, and other subjects that help them prepare for jobs, vocational training, or college. The difference is that with an IEP in place, many specialized services—small classes, speech therapy, physical therapy, counseling, and instruction by special education teachers—are used.

The IEP has five parts:

1. Present level of performance. This section describes your child’s present level of social, behavioral, and physical functioning, academic performance, learning style, and medical history.

2. Goals and objectives. This section lists skills and behaviors that your child is expected to master in a specific time period and how progress will be assessed. These goals should not be vague like “John will learn to write a report,” but rather, “John will prepare and present an oral book report with two general education students by May 1.” Each goal should answer the following questions: Who? What? How? Where? When? How often? When will the service start and end?

3. Related services. Many specialized services to be provided at no cost to the family can be mandated in the IEP, including the following:

  • Speech therapy
  • Physical therapy and adaptive physical education
  • Occupational therapy
  • Social skills training
  • Mental health services
  • Assistive technology assessment and training
  • Functional behavior assessment and behavior intervention plans
  • Transportation to and from school and therapy sessions

For each of these services, the IEP should list the frequency, duration, start date, end date, and whether the services will be provided in a group or individual setting, for example, “Jane will receive individual speech therapy twice a week, for 60 minutes a session, from September through December, when her needs will be reevaluated.”

As discussed in Chapter 16, Common Side Effects of Treatment, rehabilitation services help many children make a full or near-full recovery. Children who have a long-term need for rehab can access some of these services through the school system. To obtain these services, parents should provide letters of medical necessity from individual therapists and physicians and present them as supporting documentation during the IEP meeting.

4. Placement. The term placement refers to the least restrictive setting in which the IEP goals and objectives can be met. For example, one student may be in the general education classroom all day with an aide present, and another might leave the classroom for part of each day to receive specialized instruction in a resource room. The IEP should state the amount of time (minutes or hours) the child will be in the general education program and the frequency and duration of any special services.

5. Evaluating the IEP. Meetings with all members of the IEP team will be held periodically to review your child’s progress toward attaining the short- and long-term goals and objectives of the IEP. To determine whether the IEP is working for your child, an annual IEP meeting is required, but parents can request more meetings, if needed, to address any concerns.

If at any time communication deteriorates and you feel your child’s IEP is inadequate or not being followed, here are several facts you need to know:

•  The IEP cannot be changed without parental consent.

•  If parents disagree about the content of the IEP, they can withdraw consent and request (in writing) a meeting to draft a new IEP; or they can consent only to the portions of the IEP with which they agree.

•  Parents can request that the disagreement be settled by an independent hearing officer in an administrative law proceeding called a due process hearing. School districts generally are represented by a lawyer at such hearings, and parents are usually best served in such proceedings by hiring a lawyer or educational advocate.

•  An IEP is a legal document that schools are legally required to comply with. However, if a school does not comply with an IEP, there is no governmental agency parents can call upon to enforce it—the only enforcement mechanism is a due process hearing.

The IDEA does not describe specific types of educational placements, modifications, and related services. Because options are open, an IEP should reflect those programs and services uniquely appropriate for the student’s needs. Advocates, disability organizations, your child’s medical team, teachers, and therapists can assist in determining which options best suit your child, although ultimately you know your child best.

This year (third grade) has been a nightmare. My son has an IEP that focuses on problems with short-term memory, concentration, writing, and reading comprehension. The teacher, even though she is special ed qualified, has been rigid and used lots of timed tests. She told me in one conference that she thought my son’s behavior problems were because he was “spoiled.” The IEP required that she send a note home with my son if he has a seizure, and she has never done it. I learned that the IEP is only as valuable as the teacher who is applying it.

Hundreds of accommodations are available through an IEP. Here are a few examples:

•  Preferential seating

•  Study groups with discussion for learning/memory

•  Recording of classes for reinforcement

•  Books on tape or CD

•  A copy of notes from a peer to improve listening in class and reduce the need for writing

•  A copy of a teacher’s planning notes prior to instruction

•  Shortened assignments

•  Use of a computer for written assignments

•  Keyboard training (kindergartners are not too young to learn)

•  Use of graphic organizers

•  Use of a calculator or number line

•  Extended time for tests

•  Oral rather than written tests

•  An assignment check-off system

•  Breakdown of large assignments into steps

•  Extra time to travel between classes

•  Accessible locker

Nettie recently was tested for auditory processing disorder. Nettie does demonstrate a great deal of difficulty processing things presented orally. It was suggested that we try using a device called an “Easy Listener.” She would wear a little box with headphones. The teacher would wear a microphone which links right to the box Nettie is wearing. That would mean that no matter what the noise level in the room, or where the teacher is, the teacher’s voice will always sound only 6 inches away from Nettie’s ears. We are also going to try using a computer program called Earobics® to try and retrain parts of her brain to “listen” better. Auditory processing disorder is sort of like having dyslexia of the ears. The ears hear fine, but the brain doesn’t receive the message properly. So we’ll see if any of these things help her.

•  To learn about other accommodations used by survivors and children on treatment, visit to order a free copy of the book Educating the Child with Cancer, 2nd edition.

Transition services

Students receiving special education services receive transition planning, starting by the time the child is 16 (or younger if determined by the IEP team or required by state law). This planning helps to prepare for life after high school, in higher education, vocational training, employment appropriate to their abilities, or adult services. Your child’s IEP should outline actions that will be taken to prepare your child to transition from high school to college, vocational school, or life in the community. High schools in in the United States may have a Department of Rehabilitative Services (DRS) vocational counselor on staff to help students with disabilities plan for life after high school, or as part of the student’s transition services, the school can connect the student with the DRS.

The DRS can provide:

•  Career guidance and counseling

•  Diagnostic evaluations

•  Supported employment and training

For more information about transition planning, visit index.htm.

As my son grew older, we could see he was ready to interact with a world that was bigger than his high school. With my assistance during his application, interview, and training, a local grocery store hired him as courtesy clerk. Easter Seals® arranged for a job coach who watched Ben on the job to make sure he was safe in the parking lot and who came to our home to teach him how to bag groceries (from the options in my kitchen pantry!) He has worked about 20 hours per week for 10 years now. He is proud of his job and his managers always say he is their hardest worker. There have been bumps along the way, though. Sometimes employees and customers do not understand that Ben is hearing impaired or is a very concrete thinker. He is inflexible and his social skills are not great. On a few occasions, I have had to facilitate conversations between him and his coworkers or help him communicate with management when he needs adjustments to his shift schedule. Despite these issues, this job had been a great thing for him.

IDEA Part C—Early intervention services

Part C of the IDEA mandates early intervention services for infants and toddlers (from birth up to age 3) with disabilities, and, in some cases, children at risk for developmental delays. These services are administered either by the school district or the state health department, with the services usually provided in the family home. You can find out which agency to contact by asking the hospital social worker or calling the special education director for your school district.

The law requires services not only for eligible infants and toddlers, but for their families, as well. Therefore, an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) is developed. This plan includes:

•  A description of the child’s physical, cognitive, language, speech, psychosocial, and other developmental levels

•  Goals and objectives for the family and child

•  The description, frequency, and delivery of services to be provided, such as speech, vision, occupational, and physical therapy; health and medical services; and family training and counseling

•  A caseworker who locates and coordinates all necessary services

•  Steps to support transition to other programs and services

•  By age 3, children are transitioned to the school district for assessment of the need for special education services. If the child is eligible, the school district provides early childhood special education services. For more information, visit

  IDEA Section 504
Type of law A federal education law A civil rights law
Who is covered Students ages 3–21 in primary or secondary school whose disability affects their ability to access the general education curriculum. Part C covers infants and toddlers. Any student with a disability in an educational setting. College students, regardless of age, have rights under Section 504.
Types of disabilities Child must have one or more of the 14 disabilities listed in the law. Any physical or mental disability (including cancer) that substantially limits one or more major life activity.
Person in charge Special education director Section 504 coordinator
Evaluation of eligibility Several assessment tools are used to determine whether the child has a qualifying disability. A written request must be submitted for an evaluation, and consent must be obtained from a parent or guardian before evaluation begins. A reevaluation is required every 3 years. Evaluation is conducted in the area of concern. Written consent of a parent or guardian is not required for evaluation, but notice must be provided. Yearly reevaluation or review is required.
Tools used to implement law A written Individualized Education Program (IEP) is legally required and parents/guardians must receive and sign a copy of the final plan. If a functional behavioral analysis is conducted, a Behavior Intervention Plan can be developed for any child with a disability who also has a behavioral issue that interferes with learning. A 504 Plan can be developed without notice to, or participation of, the parents/guardians. A written 504 Plan may be requested, but is not required by law.
Change in placement A meeting with the parents/guardians is required before any change in placement or services is made. Changes in placement or services can be made without notice to parents/guardians.
Due process School districts must provide resolution sessions and due process hearings for parents/guardians who disagree with evaluation, implementation, or placement. School districts must provide a grievance procedure for parents/guardians who disagree with evaluation, implementation, or placement; due process hearing is not required.