Use Your Feet to Defeat Childhood Cancer!
Walkathons are fun and healthy exercise, a great community activity and an effective way to raise funds and awareness for Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation and the fight against childhood cancer. Each step you and your friends take is a step closer to a cure for all kids with cancer.
Here are some tips for planning a Walkathon:
- Once you've decided on a date, time and walking route, register your Alex’s Lemonade Stand Walkathon by clicking Register Now.
- When you register, we will create a personal fundraising page for you. This can be used to share news and updates with friends and family, and to accept donations online for your event!
- Download helpful resources, including posters and more, to help you plan your event!
- Spread the word: Be sure to notify your family, friends, co-workers, and community that you’re organizing an ALSF Walkathon. Get creative! You can make flyers to help spread the word. You can also use social media to inform everyone that you’re dedicated to raising funds for childhood cancers. Include your fundraising page link in your social media postings, email it to friends and put it in your email signature.
- Make sure you have water available to your walkers the day of the Walkathon.
- Send in your donations: after your Walkathon, please send your donations within two weeks of the event to:
Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation
333 E. Lancaster Ave, #414
Wynnewood, PA 19096 - Afterward, thank your supporters. And thank you! We would love to see any stories, photos, or videos you would like to share with us!
As always, please contact us with any questions about your Walkathon. We are here to help, every step of the way!