The Bean Family
June 2, 2018
New York, NY
Anabelle was only six when she and her mom were searching for a way to give back. After they spotted an article about Lemonade Days in a food magazine, they mixed it right into their yearly routine. She and her brother Daniel act as “salespeople” for their father, “the banker” while their mom coordinates all the lemonade and baked goods.
Their stand is always held on the neighborhood corner just down the block from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. That way, they can attract both neighbors and tourists who pass by. Once stand day comes, they get out there and love hearing all the stories of affected families or people just hoping to make a difference.
“The best part about participating in Lemonade Days is meeting all of the people who come to the Stand…it is very rewarding. It is also a lot of fun to do the baking and counting the money at the end of the day to see how much we raised for Alex's,” said Dina, Anabelle’s mom.
Dina’s Tip to Stand Hosts: Get organized in advance. We do a lot of baking about a week in advance and freeze the baked goods so we are ready to go on the big day. Don’t be afraid to ask for donations either, people will be happy to do it for such a great cause!