The Childhood Cancer Blog
The Childhood Cancer Blog

Kids are some of the best lemonade stand organizers around. Above, Campbell, Chase and Teagan enjoy the day at their front yard lemonade stand.
by Jeff Baxter, ALSF Community Engagement Manager
The start of our lemonade stand is fast approaching. My girls are running around the house in anticipation of our front yard lemonade stand. My wife and I are gathering the supplies and setting up the stand.
Gone are the days of mixing up one small pitcher of lemonade. We’ve now graduated to bulk containers of lemonade mix and 8-gallon coolers. We know... Read More

When you join a local networking group your career can grow, while you make new connections and give back to the community.
by Trish Adkins
With LinkedIn and dozens of other online professional networking groups, you might feel like you have networking down to a science. The digital age has given all of us the opportunity to connect with professionals from all around the world. However, virtual networking can take away from the personal connections often crafted through young professionals groups in your community.
When you join a local networking group, like the... Read More

Big things happen when you host an Alex's Lemonade Stand!
by Trish Adkins
We hosted our very first family lemonade stand in our front yard during Alex’s Lemonade Days in 2009. Lily, my daughter who battled ependymoma when she was 14-months-old, painted our stand and served cups of lemonade to her preschool pals. Family and friends stopped by with donations and those who lived far away gave online. Our goal was $1,000 (which we never thought we could reach!) and we raised over $2,000. We... Read More