by Anita Gates, Manager of Partnerships
One great way to expand your lemonade stand is to get local businesses involved! Local businesses can help you raise awareness, increase donations and bring more traffic to your lemonade stand. Asking and getting the yes can feel daunting, but it is actually not as tricky as it seems. Here are my tips for getting the yes and help make your Alex’s Lemonade Stand a success!
1. Pick a business where you are the customer.
If the owner sees you on a regular basis, they are much more likely to say yes!
2. Do some research.
Find out about the business. Are there other charities they support? Have they supported Alex's Lemonade Stand in some other way before? Is there a good way to link their business to your stand? Take a look at their social media pages and learn more about their businesses.
3. Share your reason.
Let the business owner know why you are hosting an Alex’s Lemonade Stand. If there is a personal connection, share that story! Your inspiration will likely inspire the business owner to participate.
4. Be prepared.
Have all of the details of your fundraiser ready. If you are asking someone to support your stand in person, plan ahead to a time when you know the business owner will be available to talk. If you are asking via email, be sure all the details in your email are correct and include a link to your fundraising page. Don’t forget to follow up with them over the phone – especially if you don’t get a response.
5. Be specific.
Be ready to ask for specific support—do you want donated supplies? Do you want help spreading the word about your stand? Are you looking for a cash donation or volunteers? Be ready to tell the business what they can do for you!
6. Smile!
Even though you might be nervous, smile! Smiling is contagious and the business owner will smile back (and no yawning—that is contagious, too!)
7. Say Thank You!
Whether you get the yes or you get a no, always say thank you! If you get a yes, send them a handwritten thank you note, an email and also thank them on social media! Publicly thank them with a sign at your stand. You can never say Thank You, enough!
8. Include your new local business sponsor in your lemonade stand!
Have fun with your new relationship. Invite the business owner to your stand, take photos, introduce them to your other volunteers and tag your business partners on social media.
9. Share your success and say thank you, again!
After your fundraiser, share photos and your success and say thank you, again!
Now get out there and have a fun fundraiser!!
Alex's Lemonade Days are held June 3-June 11, 2017. Pick a day (or days!) that week and host a stand! Sign up here <link to registration page>(it's easy!) Thank you for joining us to find cures, one cup at a time!
Anita Gates is Manger of Partnerships at Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation. She is a grateful Mom to a Hero and a Super Sib.