The Childhood Cancer Blog
The Childhood Cancer Blog
by Anita Gates, Manager of Partnerships
One great way to expand your lemonade stand is to get local businesses involved! Local businesses can help you raise awareness, increase donations and bring more traffic to your lemonade stand. Asking and getting the yes can feel daunting, but it is actually not as tricky as it seems. Here are my tips for getting the yes and help make your Alex’s Lemonade Stand a success!
1. Pick a business where you are the customer.
If the owner sees you on a regular basis,... Read More

After a childhood cancer diagnosis, life can feel out of control—and it can be hard to hold your child steady through treatment.
by Trish Adkins, ALSF
The moment your child is diagnosed with childhood cancer is the moment your world shifts—forever. Fear, chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, days and nights in the hospital and blood draws become part of your daily routine. For your family, life can feel out of control—and it can be hard to hold your child steady through their diagnosis.
Tommi McHugh, a child life specialist and educator at the Children’s Hospital of Colorado in Denver, says there are things you can do to help your child and your entire... Read More

“An angel kept me safe. There was someone up there who helped us, little Alex kept me on," said Jeremy Rose, Afleet Alex's jockey.
by Jay Scott, Alex’s Dad
My daughter Alexandra “Alex” Scott lost her life to childhood cancer in August of 2004. It was only a few short months prior that she had set out on a mission to raise $1 million through volunteer-run lemonade stands across the country. Alex truly was the wind in our sails, the gas in our engines, and when she died, the fate of her dream to find cures through those lemonade stands hung in the balance. I am not one to believe in signs, or that things are meant to be, but shortly after Alex’s death,... Read More