The Childhood Cancer Blog
The Childhood Cancer Blog

Throughout June, friends and family sent in their contributions, and out went Hanna’s carefully crafted kits, complete with detailed instructions.
When life handed Hanna lemons, she thought, “Why not plant more!” That’s the concept behind 13-year-old Hanna’s Bat Mitzvah project, “Planting Seeds of Hope,” which she started in summer 2021 to raise funds for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF).
“Just hearing stories about kids who battled childhood cancer like Alex Scott made me want to both spread kindness and awareness. It made me want to help others,” said Hanna. “This is my small way of starting somewhere.”
What started as the seed of an idea – helping kids with cancer – blossomed into something much sweeter... Read More

“ALSF helped launch my research program 10 years ago, and has supported my lab at every step along the way. Their investment in childhood cancer research has transformed the field and nurtured the development of a generation of childhood cancer researchers,” said Dr. Monje.

“The ‘high-risk, high-reward’ studies that ALSF supported are the some of the very studies that best represent me, our science and serve as the platform for the work we have ongoing and propose for the future,” said Dr. Kadoch. “It doesn’t escape me that the support from ALSF has been instrumental, and I extend my deep appreciation to ALSF for supporting our science from the very beginning.”
Two Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF)-funded researchers, Michelle Monje, MD/PhD and Cigall Kadoch, PhD, have been named as Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Investigators.
The HHMI program supports more than 250 investigators, located at more than 60 research institutions across the United States. As HHMI investigators, Dr. Monje, who is based at Stanford University will study the interactions between aggressive brain cancers, like glioma, and the nervous system’s circuity; and Dr. Kadoch, who is based at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, will study chromatin and gene... Read More

ALSF-funded researcher Dr. Jenn Kalish is raising money for Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome (BWS) research with her Million Mile team.
You know how the saying goes: teamwork makes the dream work. At Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF), the dream is to end childhood cancer. Our founder, Alex Scott always planned to make this dream a reality, but knew she couldn’t do it alone. With help from people in her community, then soon, the nation, everyone took those first steps toward cures.
Today, Alex’s legacy of working together to achieve a dream continues. September is both Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and the month for ALSF’s Million Mile – a virtual fitness challenge that encourages supporters of any age or... Read More