The Childhood Cancer Blog
The Childhood Cancer Blog
Earlier this month I celebrated my 52nd birthday. Every year in the days surrounding my birthday I find myself reflecting on my life. I try not to fill my reflections with regrets, but instead focus on all that is good in my life and the people I am grateful for. I feel like the luckiest person in the world, so choosing just one person to be grateful for is like trying to choose a favorite star in the sky.
Some people seem surprised when I say I am lucky. My beautiful, amazing daughter, Alex, died when she was 8 years old from neuroblastoma. She was sick for nearly her entire short... Read More

Just over 20 years ago, Alex Scott held her first lemonade stand, inviting all to this amazing mission. Today, it is Alex’s legacy that drives us to keep pushing toward cures for more children — the future that Alex dreamt of for kids just like her.
At Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF), we are grateful every day for all the ways we are able to make lemonade by helping kids with cancer.
From the amazing childhood cancer families who share their journeys with us, to the kids fighting cancer who inspire us, to the researchers collaborating for cures and safer treatments, and the supporters who make all this possible with their incredible generosity, our gratitude list is infinite.
We do know that in difficult times it can be a challenge to see beauty in things, and even just one bad day can make it seem impossible... Read More
Earlier in 2021, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) committed $18.5 million to four game-changing, collaborative projects at 15 institutions in the United States and Europe. Funded through the Crazy 8 Initiative, these projects are taking on the most deadly childhood cancers with one singular focus: curing the incurable.
In September, the four project teams gathered at the Crazy 8 Summit, a two-day virtual event in which the scientists shared, collaborated and challenged each other. In just a few months of work, these four interdisciplinary teams have already made significant... Read More