The Childhood Cancer Blog

The Childhood Cancer Blog

Welcome to The Childhood Cancer Blog
from Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation!

Did you know that you can turn your livestream into a fundraiser that helps fund childhood cancer research? Streamers can join Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation’s Unlocking Cures campaign and turn their stream into a powerful force for kids battling cancer. 

Streamers have become an increasingly impactful group igniting change and using their voices for good. So far this year streamers have raised nearly $20,000 for ALSF! No matter how many viewers you have or how... Read More

Jessica Tsai, above, lounges in her lab before its March opening at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

One of Jessica Tsai’s research projects produced hundreds (and hundreds) of gigabytes of data. If you printed this information out, you would need at least 10,000 cases of printer paper, which is pretty unimaginable, so Tsai likes to use the very technical measurement of “a lot.”

But don’t let her casual measurement methodology fool you. Tsai, a pediatric neuro-oncologist and Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation-funded researcher, is serious about data. She lists data... Read More

It was the middle of the night when then 6-year-old Frankie woke up screaming that his head hurt. Within 20 minutes, he wasn’t screaming anymore — he was unresponsive as they rushed him to the emergency room. Frankie had a brain bleed, caused by a rare brain tumor called pilomyxoid astrocytoma. There were also tumors in his spine. Frankie tried several chemotherapies and other targeted treatments. Nothing worked. Then, finally, proton radiation... Read More
