The Childhood Cancer Blog

How Streamers Can Help Kids with Cancer 

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By: Dan Silvernail

Did you know that you can turn your livestream into a fundraiser that helps fund childhood cancer research? Streamers can join Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation’s Unlocking Cures campaign and turn their stream into a powerful force for kids battling cancer. 

Streamers have become an increasingly impactful group igniting change and using their voices for good. So far this year streamers have raised nearly $20,000 for ALSF! No matter how many viewers you have or how much money you raise, every bit of awareness you spread and funds you raise makes a difference. 

It is easy to turn your stream into a fundraiser for kids with cancer. Here’s how you can get involved:

1.    Create Your Tiltify Campaign
Set up a Tiltify campaign on Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation’s Tiltify page to engage your community in supporting childhood cancer research.

2.    Live Stream for a Cause
Connect your streaming account with Tiltify and download one of our overlays to utilize your live stream to raise funds and awareness for childhood cancer, inviting viewers to donate and make a difference.

3.    Craft Compelling Content
Develop impactful content that showcases the stories of children battling cancer, the importance of research, and the need for funding. This can be done by sharing ALSF YouTube videos, childhood cancer hero stories, research stories or our FAQS. 

4.    Spread the Word
Utilize your social platforms to share your content and engage your audience in discussions about childhood cancer and amplifying the message of hope and awareness. 

5.    Encourage Engagement
Foster a sense of community, motivating viewers to take action by donating, sharing your campaign, or even organizing their own fundraisers. Offering donation incentives while you stream are a great way to encourage viewers to help you reach your fundraising goals!

6.    Celebrate Your Impact
Receive well-deserved recognition for your commitment to making a difference in the fight against childhood cancer, including features, shoutouts, and collaboration opportunities. 

Streamers hold immense power to drive positive change in the fight against childhood cancer. By leveraging your platforms to raise awareness and funds, streamers can be a beacon of hope for those battling cancer. Every stream, every donation, and every act of advocacy brings us closer to a future where childhood cancer is cured. We hope that you consider helping us make a difference, one stream at time.  Ready to get involved? Sign up here.