The Childhood Cancer Blog
The Childhood Cancer Blog

Sydnie has been fundraising for ALSF since she was just a little girl. Now, at age 16, her goal is to raise $1 million by the time she graduates high school.

What started as one lemonade stand for the Mozer Family, turned into an empire of lemonade stands and gave birth to Midwest Lemonade Days.

Riley's first lemonade stand has evolved into a community-wide celebration.

The King of Prussia Lemonade Girls had an honor of meeting Alex at one of their summer stands.

Lily Adkins was 8 years old when she decided to go big and break the record for the largest cup of Alex's Lemonade.
After she was given a life-changing treatment at the age of 4, Alex Scott was determined to raise money to give to her doctor so he could help all kids the way he helped her. She wanted to fund better treatments and research projects to find cures for all childhood cancers.
Alex’s first lemonade stand on July 1, 2000 turned into a movement to cure childhood cancer. Twenty years later, the goal hasn’t changed. This month, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) will be spotlighting some stand-out lemonade stands to highlight how any... Read More
Travis Cook is living with an inoperable but stable brain tumor. Now a high school graduate, cancer has left some late effects. He suffers from chronic daily headaches and nausea, struggles with fatigue and PTSD symptoms. Yet, through diagnosis, treatment and now survivorship, Travis has set big goals to someday work as a doctor or researcher and helps kids just like himself.
Transitioning from the routine of treatment back into the routine of life outside of cancer can bring a myriad of challenges for survivors. The transitions between grades and schools and into the workforce... Read More
Raymeer was diagnosed with an undifferentiated soft tissue sarcoma when he was just 4 months old. Today, Raymeer is cancer free and just graduated Pre-K.
To recognize his achievement, Raymeer’s family planned a special drive-by celebration. The Camden County Police even joined in the festivities.
“This is a big deal and a milestone for my son. For anyone who wonders why this is a big deal, well, my son is a cancer survivor, that is why!” said Raymeer’s mom Torey.
While so many celebrations were muted this year, we know that graduations are a big deal for... Read More