Jake is a quiet, kind-hearted teenager. In 2012, he was taken to the hospital for flu-like symptoms but came out diagnosed with ependymoma. Two surgeries removed the cancer cells from his brain, but left him with right-side paralysis. A year later, a routine MRI revealed six new tumors on his spine. After radiation treatment and another surgery, Jake developed permanent drop foot, making it tough to lift the front part of his feet.
Jake continued to relapse, and then his mother, Patricia, discovered Jake qualified for a clinical trial led by Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation-funded researcher Dr. Ted Johnson in Georgia. Dr. Johnson made treatment as accessible as possible for Jake, and the Travel For Care program helped Jake get from Toronto to the trial. Because of travel restrictions due to COVID-19, Dr. Johnson arranged for Jake’s entire treatment plan to continue in Toronto during the pandemic. After a recent successful spinal resection that left no trace of a tumor, Jake has been able to take a break from treatment.
Information provided by Patricia, Jake’s mom
Updated December 2020