12 years old
Glioblastoma Multiforme
Miles to Treatment: 300 miles (Texarkana to Houston)
“My name is Michelle Cox and my daughter Chloe is 12 years old. Chloe is a bright, smart, strong, faithful girl who loves her family, soccer and drawing.
The tumor Chloe is battling, glioblastoma multiforme, is aggressive with one of a kind mutations that doctors have not seen before. During treatment, the tumor quadrupled in size and spread to both her spine and spinal fluid. Chloe needed full cranial and full spinal radiation, treatment only offered 300 miles from our home. I left my job of 30 years to be with my daughter. And we left our home, our family and our support system. We searched for help with travel expenses—for help getting to the treatment Chloe needed to save her life. ALSF immediately stepped up with hotel accommodations that ensured our family could be together while Chloe had treatment.”
Michelle Cox, Chloe’s Mom
Updated December 2016
Sadly, Chloe passed away in July 2017.