Family Services

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Hannah P., SuperSib



Favorite Color
Favorite Activity
Football, Boxing, XBox

Hannah is strong, outgoing, social, notices details and people, she is joyful, artistic, energetic, bold and tenacious. She always keeps trying until she accomplishes her goal. She is a dreamer and sees life full of possibilities and magic.

She is very close to her brother and was very scared during his treatment for Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She was also lonely. Her family had just moved and she was starting kindergarten. She struggled to keep on track at school with all the changes and challenges at home. She had to work extra hard to learn her letters and numbers and keep up because of the distractions and lack of consistency.  She got through it, but it was a lot for her. Even so, she was willing to sacrifice attention and playtime and some normal activities for her brother. She is so brave and loving!

Hannah was often scared when her family had to go to the hospital. She had nightmares and trouble sleeping and eating.  She also lost her playmate. Her brother did not want to play with her much during treatment and was gone a lot. She did not have mommy helping with homework and dance practice because she was at treatments or work. Fortunately Hannah’s grandparents came to help but it wasn’t the same. She struggled with feeling important and safe.

New friends and special time with her mommy and grandparents helped Hannah feel celebrated. She also enjoyed special events, church and regular activities like ballet.

Asked what she was most thankful for in the new year, Hannah said, “My brother Gabriel and his cancer is gone!”
When her brother's hair fell out and he had a bald head he was upset because his hair had been his cool thing, it was thick and curly. Hannah smiled and kissed him and rubbed his head and said "I like it better this way. You look sooo cute!"

Information provided by: 

Deborah P., Hannah’s Mom