Childhood Cancer

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Pedi-PRESTO: Pediatric Patient-Reported Symptom Tracking in Oncology

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Allison Barz Leahy, MD
Grant Type: 
Young Investigator Grants
Year Awarded: 
Type of Childhood Cancer: 
General Pediatric Cancer
Project Description: 

Background: More than 40,000 children undergo cancer treatment in the U.S. annually and all patients experience symptoms and side effects from their therapy. These can range in severity from minor to life-threatening and cause significant distress and suffering. The use of patient-reported outcomes, which are standardized reports of a patient's health condition directly from the patient or caregiver, can make patients and their parents feel more in control of their well-being and help their doctors to control their symptoms. Indeed, in adults undergoing chemotherapy, the use of patient-reported outcomes for symptom monitoring improves quality of life, decreases hospitalizations and increases survival. Despite the benefits seen in adults, the use of patient-reported outcomes in pediatric oncology is not common. 

Project Goal: This study will investigate the feasibility, benefits and barriers to using patient-reported symptom monitoring for children with cancer, setting the stage for future studies examining the impact of this type of symptom monitoring on quality of life, hospitalization rate and illness severity in childhood cancer. Ultimately, patient-reported outcomes have the potential to help make children feel better, contribute to patient empowerment, and assist parents and children in having discussions with their doctors about the things they care about most. When combined with other health data, and deployed within the healthcare model, patient-reported symptom information can help tailor medical care, refine healthcare delivery and, potentially, help doctors to recognize and avoid serious adverse events. This study is an essential first step in establishing the benefits of these measures for children with cancer.

Project Update 2022: We created an automated electronic web-based reporting system to allow pediatric patients and their caregivers to input symptom information in between clinic appointments as well as provide an electronic dashboard for healthcare providers to access and act upon this patient-provided information in real-time. The planned enrollment of 50 patient and caregiver pairs has recently been achieved and the study will close and results analyzed when all patients complete their 6-month observation period. This work sets the stage for currently planned studies examining the impact of this type of symptom monitoring within predictive models to serve as an early warning system to avoid poor treatment outcomes. Other work during the grant period has explored typical hospital admission characteristics and rates within a large national cohort consisting of thousands of pediatric patients with the most common type of childhood cancer, acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). We have found that approximately 10% of all admissions after a diagnosis of ALL are unexpected – and our investigations now center on understanding the predictive factors of these admissions in order to develop interventions to reduce avoidable admissions and to positively impact the patient and family experience during an already stressful time. Work supported by this grant has helped to bridge the gap between the use of PROs in adult and pediatric patient care and will continue to serve as critical foundational data to aid in bringing the benefits of PRO symptom monitoring to children undergoing treatment for cancer.

Co-funded by: 
Tap Cancer Out