Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Logan Harris

  • Neuroblastoma

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Logan Harris is a typical active, happy and silly little boy who loves stickers, bugs and making people laugh. When he was a little over 3-years-old, his mom Tracy noticed he was acting unusually tired and cranky, didn’t have an appetite as well as had a bruised eye. He also had extreme pain in his arm that would randomly come and go. X-rays didn’t show anything, but two days later a lump appeared on his neck that prompted Tracy to return to the doctors. Additional tests were inconclusive until scans showed several tumors in Logan’s lungs, on his skull, his bones, in his bone marrow as well as a primary tumor in his abdomen. Logan was diagnosed with stage 4 high risk neuroblastoma and the Harris’ lives were forever changed.

Logan immediately started treatment consisting of chemotherapy, surgery to remove a tumor in his neck, a stem cell transplant, and another surgery to remove the tumor in his abdomen followed by radiation. It was a lot to endure, but paid off as Logan was declared in remission.

Sadly, just nine months later and two days after his fifth birthday, Logan relapsed. Since that time, he has been receiving a week of chemotherapy every three weeks for nearly two years in an attempt to keep the cancer under control.

Tracy dreams of the day when Logan can simply be a kid. Logan’s aspirations to be a police officer when he gets older complement his generosity and willingness to always help someone else out, as well as his desire to “catch the bad guys.” Despite enduring treatment for so long, Logan always has a smile on his face and is truly a hero.

Visit Logan's Facebook page!

Information provided by Tracy Harris, Logan’s Mom
November 2012

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