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Riley McComb

  • Neuroblastoma

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Riley Ann McComb is a healthy 5 year old girl. There are hardly words to describe her- she is a hoot- she’s smart, sweet, funny, and a total goofball! She loves God, life, her family and friends. Riley is about to start Kindergarten at Saint Anastasia School and enjoys swimming, ballet and tap, gymnastics, and Irish dance. You’d never know this little girl ever had cancer (with the exception of a few scars). 

The story is kind of like a fairy tale with a horror scene in the middle!  You see, a long time ago, a doctor and a nurse married and started a family. They had one healthy girl named Morgan; and a year and a half later, they had another little girl named Riley. Life was great, the storybook went as planned until Riley’s first birthday when she was diagnosed with Stage 2B Neuroblastoma. Their world was turned upside down.  What seemed like a perfect life came to screeching halt.

Riley had surgery to remove the tumor from her neck and chest. Surgery went well, and she was back to her sweet self in a day. That year, instead of enjoying life with two toddlers, Riley’s family spent most of their time at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for appointments and tests.  A year later, shortly after Riley’s 2nd birthday, another tumor was discovered and once again, Riley had surgery. Since the second surgery, there has been no further recurrence, and at this point Riley has been cancer-free for over three years!

Riley is a true miracle. As described by her family:
“We are so blessed to have her in our lives! This entire journey has taught us so much about life, to appreciate every minute of every day! It has brought us closer to God and our faith. One day we will understand why Riley was spared the pain that so many children with cancer endure. And one day we will understand why she was chosen to stay here on earth, when so many others go to heaven. Until then…..well, we will hug our three daughters every day knowing that you never know what tomorrow will bring. We will also work to help put an end to pediatric cancer! Thank you for taking the time to read our story! Count your blessings and support ALSF!”

Since joining forces with Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation 4 years ago, Team Smiley Riley has raised $16, 432. 

Information provided by Marcie McComb, Riley’s Mother
Last Updated July 2015

Riley McComb

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