Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Wyatt Newhard

  • Neuroblastoma

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Wyatt was diagnosed in January 2008 with stage 4 high risk neuroblastoma when he was 3-years-old.  He underwent multiple rounds of chemotherapy, MIBG therapy, tumor reduction surgery, stem cell transplant and radiation. After over a year of treatment, Wyatt was no evidence of disease (NED). 

In February 2011, at the age of 6, Wyatt’s family was given the heartbreaking news that the cancer had returned in his spine. After more treatment, Wyatt relapsed again February 2015. He is currently back in active treatment at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Quote: “Wyatt is our Hero!!!” –Wyatt’s Parents


Information provided by Sarah Newhard, Wyatt’s Mom
Last update: July 2015

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